Welcome to energy-carbon interface research group!RESEARCH OVERVIEW
Our vision is to approach the low-carbon future by developing new generation of materials, devices and systems for efficient carbon and energy conversion, making a significant impact in finding solutions to the trilemma of energy security, energy affordability and sustainable environment. Our international and intersectoral networks accelerate the innovations needed for the wider deployment of new energy and carbon conversion technologies. Our experiences in engineering design, modelling, characterization and manufacturing provide a unique set of expertise needed to achieve our vision. Supported by EPSRC, SFC, EU H2020, industrial sponsors and other funding bodies, we are working on the following research them es.
• Adilet’ s 3D printing research won a poster prize at the EPS Annual Postgraduate Research event. Congrats, Adilet! Oct-2016
• Huizhi and Jin visited Tsinghua University. Oct-2016
• Congrats to our Nuffield Placement project students for the success in developing a Scottish Carbon Footprint Calculator! July
Heriot-Watt University
EPS @Heriot-Watt
Energy Academy @Heriot- Watt
Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis
Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association
Diamond Light Source
Open Now !
• James Watt PhD studentships
• CRITICAT PhD studentships
• DTP PhD studentships
• Fees PhD studentships
An innovative, mutidisciplinary research team in School of Engineering & Physical Sciences,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
• Adilet presented his research at Royal Society of Chemistry. Dec-2016
Micro & Nano-Engineering of Fuel Cells
A review on unitized regenerative fuel celltechnologies REVIEW
Innovative benign-by-design flow chemistry protocols
Scaling up microfluidic aluminum-air cell with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy assisted performance analysis
A high specific capacity membraneless aluminum-air cell operated with an inorganic/organic hybrid electrolyte
A pH-differential dual-electrolyte microfluidic electrochemical cells for CO2 utilization
Boosting the performance of formic acid microfluidic fuel cell: oxygen annealing enhanced Pd@graphene electrocatalyst
• Jin was awarded Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Power Sources. Jan-2017